Blog Topics Generator

4:48 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

After reading the 15 Reasons Why I Think You Should Blog, I read through and thought about point #1 - You'll become a better writer". This is what I really want to become, a better writer, which I believe, as long as I can write better, I will then be able to speak and relate better. It's gonna benefit me at work too, so why not?

But how do I go about doing it? What topics should I write about?

Then, I was thinking since there are so many kinds of generator (meme generator, random number generator, URL generator, etc), could there possibly be a Blog Post Topic Generator? Yes, I googled and came across the following 3. Hmm... which one is better?

1. HubSpot

- Best interface among the 3 sites here
- Enter 3 keywords, and 5 topics will be generated
- Simple and straightforward

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2. BlogTap

- Select a category and a topic will be chosen
- Not as customized as HubSpot
- Limited topics provided

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- You don't have to choose anything and just generate topics.
- Most userfriendly (because you don't even have to think of a category)
- Too vast range of topics (keep toggling the topics and you'll never know what the next might be)

Those are the 3 things each that I've observed from using the sites. You might have a different idea from me about them, feel free to comment and share with me. :)

** If you are interested, this is the Google Search Results page that I've got. You might want to venture on others too.  

Till then, happy blogging!

Sher Y.